
6 Days Great wall Hike

It is the golden season to visit the great wall in Oct because of the comfortable temperature ,blue sky and colorful changed on the mountain.

We did a 6-day Great wall Hike from Laolongtou to Mutianyu on the wall in China.

We drove 4 hours from northeast of Beijing to Laolongtou,known as the Old Dragon’s Head, this is the eastern starting point of the Ming Great wall and it extends about 20 meters into the Bohai Bay like a dragon drinking water.We went to Dongjiakou on the following day, with had short stops on the way to see the hanging great wall and Jiumenkou(which has is 9 gates under the wall) by the lake.Dongjiakou ,although short,is the prefect starting point for the trek as you can see the wall in whole its full glory, rising and falling along the ridges of the mountain.On third day,Having completed a tour of the Qing Tombs, we and drove to Huangyaguan, the initial part of the walk is that takes you up with the many steps of the Huangyaguan wall which was renovated in 1987.

Eventually you could climb a steep stairway, known as the sky ladder after the wall, , is replaced by mountain trails with delightful view.We arrived at Gubeikou great wall ,initially you would see the wall in an extremely dilapidated condition,little more than a large earthen embankment with no recognizable features.This is indicative of its pre-Ming Dynasty age as the stone looting that has take place over the years.When we got Jinshanling,the view is amazing.The slightly ruined nature of the wall here is much of its appeal and ,though you may find yourself stepping carefully over plants and impressive design.That was our last day hike on the great wall at Jiankou,This section is largely in its original condition.Therefore you will need to tread carefully in places where the bricks are loosing and crumbling and the vegetation is taking over.4 hours later,we finish walking and going down by toboggan,it was fan.

The tour was fantastic!

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